1 Intro

This report provides some basic description of the proteingroups identificaiton from maxquant database search. The report is based on the proteinGroups.txt, without defined experimental design/grouping information Users can use this to quickly check the overal quality of the experiment

2 Take home figures

  • Number of contaminant: 7

  • Number of reversed: 69

  • Number of qualified proteingroups: 6835

  • Number of quailfied proteingroups without intensity information: 234

  • Number of experiment: 14

  • All experiments: P1_GLU, P10_FOS, P11_CYC, P12_GLU, P13_PBS, P14_CYC, P2_GLU, P3_PBS, P4_BAS1, P5_CYC, P6_FOS, P7_FOS, P8_PBS, P9_BAS2

  • Meta/grouping info provided: , GLU, FOS, CYC, PBS, BAS1, BAS2

3 Unique peptide number

4 Protein Score distribution

5 Intensity distribution

Columns starting with “LFQ_intensity_” will be selected if exist (meaning LFQ option was checked for label free quantification, which is deliberately processed by Maxquant already), otherwise Intensity_ columns will be used instead for protein experession.

6 Overall Expression Profile

6.1 Heatmap

6.2 PCA Analysis

## Scree plot ##  shows the performance of the PCA analysis, the more percentage the top procomponets accounts, the better separation

## 2d PCA Component plot ##

## 2d PCA Component plot ## with confidence boundaries

## 2d PCA Component plot with K-means grouping, which is non-supervised grouping


Proteins with significiant(p < 0.05) change between any groups

8 Download the neat table

The table is clean proteingroups expression table, with reversed and contaminant removed. Only the first protein id was used to represent the proteingroups. The values are the LFQ(label free quantification turned on) or raw protein intensity. The talbe can be further visualized by our shiny apps shiny.imetalab.ca